Trade show Exhibits

Make an impact.

Custom, rental, hybrid, and everything in between.

So, you're going to exhibit at a trade show. Congrats! Now what?

This is a big undertaking and when done well, provides a huge return on investment. Like all large and important undertakings, it takes a team. Choose your team wisely. Door 3 Exhibits has the boots on the ground experience, imagination, and diligence to be your best partner.

We'll be with you the whole way. Our process goes something like this:

1. Discuss Goals

What is your story? This is when we discover what makes your business stand out above the rest. We’ll talk about goals, ideas, your products. What’s your pre-show communication? What type of engagement is best for your customers? Bring actual products or virtual demos? Own, rent or somewhere in-between? Minimal modern or warm rustic? There is no one size fits all. We’ll figure it out together.

2. Concept & Design

We’ll combine all the notes from our discovery call with a rock star design crew and VOILA—a one-of-a-kind, tells your story, hits your engagement objectives, beautiful booth. Or maybe it’s close to hitting all of your objectives but not quite there, that’s where the next step comes in:

3. Refine & Estimate

Working together, we’ll go over multiple versions to refine our concept until it’s the best booth for you. As we go forward with designing, we keep an eye on budget. Our estimating team calculates all of costs to construct and setup your booth.

4. Final Presentation

By this point, we’ve both put a lot of thought and effort into this final package. Let’s take a tour and unveil it to your team. We will even help estimate third party costs so you can have a complete understanding of the full picture. You sign on the bottom line.

5. Build & Order Services

It’s time to draw up the CAD plans, order materials, start the saws and warm up the printer—we’ve got an exhibit to build! Your booth is forged by project managers, detailers, carpenters and printers, working in concert.

6. Showtime!

It’s finally here! The truck is packed and ready to go. We’ll be on show site to supervise labor and add all of the last minute touches that make your booth sing. It’s time to hand over the keys and let you shine!

7. Post-Show Review

Let’s have a candid discussion, we can’t wait to hear all the details. How’d it go? What was better than you expected? What could be improved? Would you change anything? What’s coming up next? Should we store anything for you? Ready start a campaign for the next show? Let’s go!

As your exhibit partners, your success is our success.